Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tobi and Tilly getting bigger!

Tobi in her favorite spot. She is about a year old here. She loves the kitty condo!

Tilly loves to copy Tobi! She is about 6 months old here. They love looking out the window at all the birds and squirrels. Lizards are their favorite, though! I will take a picture of the two of them soon...Tilly is bigger than Tobi now.

1 comment:

Melrose said...

I just discovered that you have a blog from Wendy's adoption blog. Im so excited to have a way to keep tabs on you :) Congrats on the marathon...Ive actually always said I would run one by my 27 birthday but i dont know if my shins will agree (terrible shins). I miss you and your family and plan to see you in December! Thanks for always being such a wonderful aunt :D